Provinzial Rheinland Versicherung AG

Multimedia Contact Center for a leading German Insurance Company
- Redundant AgentOne® ContactCenter for 545 agents and 80 supervisors
- Connection of tenants S-Direkt and ProTect for voice and chat
- 320 queues
- Text-to-speech license for the individual creation of announcements for the caller hotline
- Connection on Unify Openscape Voice
- AgentOne® Email Management
- Call back in the queue
- Integration with Microsoft Teams (Graph API)
- Individual reporting for historical statistics and real time views
Success Story
It Does Not Always Have to Be Brexit …
AgentOne® ContactCenter: Experts vote for Sikom solution by a large majority. Dare more democracy? Th is is also possible in companies, as Provinzial Rheinland Versicherung AG proves: It was a neck-and-neck race when Sikom Software GmbH fought in a bid to win the contract…
Read the full case study here: PDF
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