Sustainability and Security

Well-formulated goals on paper achieve little. That’s why we had ourselves tested and received an award.
The auditor was the City of Heidelberg with its certification programme „Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften – Sustainable Management“.
The network „Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen in Heidelberg“ (Sustainable Management for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Heidelberg) was started in June 2001 as a model project financially supported by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU).
The Ministry of the Environment of the State of Baden-Württemberg has adopted Heidelberg’s concept since 2005 and offers it as the funding programme „ECOfit“ throughout Baden-Württemberg.
We have already implemented:
- virtual servers (energy efficiency)
- the replacement of high energy-consuming light bulbs
- the purchase of used office furniture and refurbished hardware
- saving water and reduction of plastic use
- the purchase of sustainable and recycled office materials (paper, etc.),
- reducing business travel (web conferences) even before the pandemic
- use of rail cards
- formation of car pools
- change of the electricity provider to a 100 % natural electricity provider. All devices are now switched off overnight and when sending emails, we avoid large, CO2-intensive data volumes by using a company-owned cloud.
We make a strong case – also for energy efficiency
Sikom sets sustainability guidelines
As part of our continuous improvement, we continue to look at all our operations, particularly the ones concerning resource efficiency, and expect new ways of working that will save resources and costs. We also pay attention to energy efficiency in our products.
Software applications have a very significant effect on energy consumption, so it makes sense to make them more environmentally friendly as early as the programming stage, thereby reducing electricity consumption in the long term.
Our sustainability and environmental policy transparently outlines our policy in this area.
Focus on IT security
The security of information processing is an important component of our business policy. To protect our company and all our customers, information must be protected from misuse and loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability.
One of the tasks of our Information Security Officer is to define a uniform level of security and to ensure compliance with it within the company by taking appropriate measures. We have formalised our processes with regard to information security according to the guidelines of DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001.
management system (ISMS).
These make us proud